About being a mother

Little Mrini tugged at my hand as she insisted on me reading the book, or rather, reading it out to her. As I shifted my attention from her proud mother and a story about her, she perched herself comfortably against…


Written a long time back…but didnt feel upto posting it till now… 🙂 Its been a long break – and this time it was not a case of verbal constipation – Its just that it has been difficult to articulate…

Venting again…

I have never understood why I have given so much importance to love. All that is a weapon – a weapon to defeat people. A weapon to wound, lash out, to massacre – till you reduce the person whom you…

My hero?

Warning: This is a very long read and might not make too much sense to non-malayalis….well, malayalis too..so read at your own peril… Its not often that I write about men in my journal, that too Malayali men. My opinion…

On why I love travelling…

I come from a family which was “middle class” in the true sense of the word. Yes, I know, these days everyone is called “middle class” right from the software engineer who earns a six figure salary to the call…