I am thinking…
I have to finish this meme..i promised Smits:)I said…
good night!!
I want…
to lose weight..
I wish…
that there would actually be a genie who would grant me one.
I miss…
My family ….and once in a while J
I hear…
the sound of the coffee machine…
I wonder…
whether I wonder too much
I regret…
too many things
I am…
still trying to figure out myself
I dance…
to every tune..
I sing…
when I ride my bike
I cry…
when I get so angry I cant speak
I am not…
a warm person…
I write…
when I feel like..
I confuse…
between dislike and respect for G
I need…
an occasional whack on my head when I get into an self pity mode…
I should.
go sleep..its 2.30am
I finish…
this meme…now:)
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